AYMA is a collaboration among many Adventist universities and colleges to create a space for young musicians to develop their abilities. This year AYMA is launching both solo performance adjudication and an elite ensemble music making experiences.
High school musicians from across the globe submit video recordings for adjudication and rating by experts. Just like the popular Solo & Ensemble events all over the United States students will get feedback and encouragement to develop their musical skills.
Scroll down for Stage One Guidelines
*Be sure to follow the link to the solo video submission fee after the registration form is submitted.
**Login credentials and instructions for video submission will be distributed by November 17.
Participants from stage one with high ratings will be invited to audition through video submission for one of the summer experiences which include choir, orchestra, piano, and wind symphony. Excerpts will be sent to those auditioning and rosters will be posted on our website with email notification also being sent to those selected.
Happening on the campus of Andrews University with rehearsals and performances in the world class Howard Performing Arts Center, this will be a fantastic week of making music for any serious musician. Large ensembles, masterclasses, and many other activities are planned to not only develop musicality but the body, mind, and spirit as a whole.
Due to low enrollment in Stage One the Summer Ensemble Experience will not be offered this summer, 2025. We look forward to growing the participation in the next school year.
Any student connected with an Adventist church or academy.
Yes! Muliple instrument or an instrument and voice registration may be made. Students will need to fill out a separate registration form and pay the submission fee for each entry.
Don't see your question answered? Please email it to music@airalkalimilagros.com